Decorating Archives - Fife Properties
Fife Properties

Preparing to sell your Fife Property in the New Year (Watch/Read/Listen)




If you’re preparing to sell your Fife property in the New Year, then you might be feeling a little overwhelmed at the amount of work your Fife home requires before taking it to market. But don’t fret; we’re here with a list of top tips to help get you ready to show off your Fife home.


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The Essentials To Consider Before Painting A Room For Fife Homeowners (4 min read)

Are you thinking about sprucing up your walls? Painting is often that task all homeowners dread but it’s one of the most inexpensive ways to improve the look of your home without too much effort.

But before you rush down your local DIY store and start buying pots of ‘Jasmine Shimmer’ and ‘Ocean Ripple’ (yep, they’re real names!) don’t forget the essentials first… Continue reading The Essentials To Consider Before Painting A Room For Fife Homeowners (4 min read)

Property Viewing Turn Offs In Fife (4 min read)

Football flags flying from bedroom windows, parked cars or visible rubbish bins – what would turn you off viewing a property?

Well, even if it is none of the above, there are plenty of other hidden home horrors that often have would-be buyers running a mile. We’ve made a list of the top five property turn-offs for buyers! Continue reading Property Viewing Turn Offs In Fife (4 min read)

Five Ways To Refresh Your Outdoor Space For Fife Homeowners (4 min read)

Outdoor space has rarely been so prized as it is now, with searches for properties with gardens and patios now much higher than prior to the lockdown period. We have put together five simple and inexpensive ways that you can perk up your outdoor space, no matter how much (or indeed how little) you may have available. Continue reading Five Ways To Refresh Your Outdoor Space For Fife Homeowners (4 min read)

Planning Your Perfect Garden in Fife

It’s summertime and the weather has picked up, now is the perfect time to think about your outdoor space and what you can do to maximise it. We have put together a few tips to help you plan your perfect garden, ready to be your sea of tranquillity throughout the months to follow.

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Savvy Storage Solutions For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

Having a place to store your possessions is extremely important and can often get overlooked when property hunting. Being able to fit all of your possessions into your home whilst ensuring it stays neat and tidy can seem challenging at first. However, there is always a way to maximise your space no matter how small your living environment is. We’ve shared some of our super savvy storage hacks below to transform your home into a serene space whilst still being able to enjoy your prized possessions. Continue reading Savvy Storage Solutions For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

Summer Property Maintenance Tips For Fife Homeowners (3 min read)

Now that summer is availing itself, many of us are making the most of our outdoor spaces and enjoying the uptake in the weather. However, whilst we enjoy being outside don’t forget to keep your property ticking along during the summer months. Here are a few maintenance tips that should keep your property in tip-top condition over the next few months.

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Our Top Tips For Designing A Home Office In Fife (3 min read)

People have been working from home in Fife for a while now. With businesses offering a greater level of autonomy and flexibility to their workers for the long run, many of us will have created office spaces in our homes. These spaces are vital to our productivity, and we have therefore put some of our favourite design ideas together in order to make your home office a hotbed of efficiency.

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Property Programmes To Inspire Homeowners in Fife! (3 min read)

In this 3 minute read I’ve put together a list of programmes which will help inspire your next property purchase in Fife. It could inspire you to become the next Phil, Kirstie or Sarah Beeny.

Continue reading Property Programmes To Inspire Homeowners in Fife! (3 min read)