January 2022 - Fife Properties
Fife Properties

FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 23rd Jan – 29th Jan 2022.


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FIFE-PROPERTY-MARKET-UPDATE-23rd-Jan–29th-Jan-2022-e1dm6g0


Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week is:


FPTV (EP 76) The Future of the Fife Buy-To-Let Market in 2022

“Fife Landlord? What is the future of the Fife Buy-To-Let Market in 2022? What will happen to rents in Fife And Fife house prices? What about the new landlord and tenant law changes?

(Watch/read/listen) https://www.fifeproperties.co.uk/blog/the-future-of-the-fife-buy-to-let-market-in-2022/



Fife Homeowners Pocketed £112k Each in the Last 20 Years

  • The average house price in Fife has increased by 154.8% to £185,700 in the last 20 years, a profit of £112,830


  • That means, when adjusted for inflation in those two decades, Fife house prices have risen in real terms by 82.7%


  • What does this mean for existing Fife homeowners and first-time buyers trying to get on the Fife property ladder?


(Watch/read/listen) https://www.fifeproperties.co.uk/blog/fife-homeowners-pocketed-112k-each-in-the-last-20-years/



Watch out for the Wealth Creation Show on Monday @ 6.30pm live on these channels:

As well as sharing some wealth secrets we’re talking about property sourcing this week.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialJimParker/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimparkerfifeproperties/

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKp0YTqqHULC402NAsApCA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fifeproperties

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties

This is the beginning of our year long journey to increase each other’s wealth out of collaboration and working together. Jim Parker and James Watson will share their thoughts while we learn how to do that for ourselves.

If you are a client of ours, you will also receive an invite later to a private zoom on the last each month going into more detail on this to accelerate your wealth in 2022.



And finally remember you can still get a 60 second instant valuation of your home with this quick easy to use tool without speaking to anyone: https://valuation.fifeproperties.co.uk/home/2062

#BuytoLet #FifeLandlords #FifeTenants #EPC #FifeRents #FifeHousePrices #InterestRates #HousePrices #EquityRelease #FirstTimeBuyers #InterestOnlyMortgages #HomeOwner

Fife Homeowners Pocketed £112k Each in the Last 20 Years (watch/read/listen)


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/Fife-Homeowners-Pocketed-112k-Each-in-the-Last-20-Years-e1dgf5m


  • The average house price in Fife has increased by 154.8% to £185,700 in the last 20 years, a profit of £112,830


  • That means, when adjusted for inflation in those two decades, Fife house prices have risen in real terms by 82.7%


  • What does this mean for existing Fife homeowners and first-time buyers trying to get on the Fife property ladder?

Continue reading Fife Homeowners Pocketed £112k Each in the Last 20 Years (watch/read/listen)

FPTV (EP 76) The Future of the Fife Buy-To-Let Market in 2022 (watch/read/listen)


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FPTV-EP-76-The-Future-of-the-Fife-Buy-To-Let-Market-in-2022-e1dk8fo



The headlines …


  • Fife rents up by 7.6% in the last 12 months
  • Fife house prices up 14.8% in the last 12 months
  • Fife landlords helped by ultra-low mortgage rates and a Land and Buildings Transaction Tax holiday
  • New EPC rules could cost Fife landlords £10,000+ per property


In this article, I will look at what happened in 2021 in the Fife buy-to-let property market and give you my opinion as to what lies ahead for Fife landlords in 2022 and beyond. Continue reading FPTV (EP 76) The Future of the Fife Buy-To-Let Market in 2022 (watch/read/listen)

FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 16th Jan – 22nd Jan 2022. (watch/read/listen)


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FIFE-PROPERTY-MARKET-UPDATE-16thJan–22nd-Jan-2022-e1dblcv


Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week is: Continue reading FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 16th Jan – 22nd Jan 2022. (watch/read/listen)

FP TV (EP 75) PREMIUM LETTINGS: How To Attract High-Earning Professional Tenants (4 min read)


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FP-TV-EP-75-PREMIUM-LETTINGS-How-to-Attract-High-Earning-Professional-Tenants-e1d9te0


Landlords are always asking us how they can make their property more attractive to professional tenants, and no wonder. It’s a lucrative market of high-earning people who’ll pay a premium rent for the right home. But what exactly do they want?

Continue reading FP TV (EP 75) PREMIUM LETTINGS: How To Attract High-Earning Professional Tenants (4 min read)

My 11 Rules to Buying a Fife Property (watch/read/listen)



PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/My-11-Rules-to-Buying-a-Fife-Property-e1d64qj



Finding your next Fife property, be that for yourself to live in or as a Fife buy-to-let landlord, can sometimes be a scary task. You are possibly making one of the biggest purchases of your life, and you want to ensure you make the right choice.


Buying your next property is all about finding a Fife property with the features that match your requirements. However, what might be important to you as a homebuyer, might not be as important to other Fife homebuyers. Continue reading My 11 Rules to Buying a Fife Property (watch/read/listen)

FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 9th Jan – 15th Jan 2022.


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FIFE-PROPERTY-MARKET-UPDATE-9thJan–15th-Jan-2022-e1d1ghj


Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week is:


FPTV (EP 74) CHANGING ROOMS: Relaunch Your Fife Home with a Different Look

If you took a break from selling last year and you’re ready to try again, or if your home is still for sale and you’d like to refresh your marketing, this week’s show is for you.

We’ve all said at some point that a change is as good as a rest, and whether it’s switching careers or changing a routine, doing things differently is the route to new results. And when it comes to selling your home, nothing could be truer. Meanwhile, let’s ring in 2022 with tips on a new-year makeover to get your move back on track.

(Watch/read/listen) https://www.fifeproperties.co.uk/blog/changing-rooms-relaunch-your-fife-home-with-a-different-look/


The Wealth Creation Show

This is the beginning of our year long journey to increase each other’s wealth out of collaboration and working together. Jim Parker and James Watson will share their thoughts while we learn how to do that for ourselves.

If you are a client of ours you will also receive an invite later to a private deep dive each month into more detail on this to accelerate your wealth in 2022.

Catch up here: https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialJimParker/videos/423228662861489


Or listen to the PODCAST here: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/EP-1-WEALTH-CREATION-AND-HOW-WE-GET-IT-e1cpa0r/a-a77et4v




And finally remember you can still get a 60 second instant valuation of your home with this quick easy to use tool without speaking to anyone: https://valuation.fifeproperties.co.uk/home/2062


#FifeProperty #Fife #MovingTips #HomeSellingTips #MonvingHome #FifeProperties #WealthCreation #PassiveIncome #PropertyInvestment #FinancialFreedom

FPTV (EP 74) CHANGING ROOMS: Relaunch Your Fife Home with a Different Look (watch/read/listen)


PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FPTV-EP-74-CHANGING-ROOMS-Relaunch-Your-Fife-Home-with-a-Different-Look-e1cvueo


If you took a break from selling last year and you’re ready to try again, or if your home is still for sale and you’d like to refresh your marketing, this week’s blog is for you. Continue reading FPTV (EP 74) CHANGING ROOMS: Relaunch Your Fife Home with a Different Look (watch/read/listen)



PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/fife-properties/episodes/FIFE-PROPERTY-MARKET-UPDATE-2ndJan–8th-Jan-2022-e1cnjof




Weekly round up on what’s driving the Fife Property market including a look at recent listings, sales and coming soon:

Article, Podcast and TV Show written and produced this week is: Continue reading FIFE PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE 2nd Jan – 8th Jan 2022