Buying property in Dunfermline, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Leven, Cupar, East Neuk & St Andrews

If you are buying property in Dunfermline, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Leven, Cupar, East Neuk & St Andrews

Our Pledge to you:

  1. Dedicate ourselves to making the process of buying your next home as easy and as successful as possible.
  2. Respect you, your needs and be honest and hold your best interests in the highest regard throughout the process.
  3. Value and respect your time, being as efficient and effective as possible.
  4. Understand your needs and respond quickly.
  5. Consult with you to determine your particular property wants and needs.
  6. Use our base of experience, knowledge, tools and the most up-to-date training to best serve you.
  7. Explain each step of the process and act as a guide to help you make most informed decisions.
  8. Disclose material facts known about the property and respond to questions concerning the property.
  9. Help determine your purchasing power, while explaining alternative methods of purchasing and/or financing in conjunction with our preferred partners.*
  10. Help you put together an action plan for locating the right property, at the right price and terms, in an acceptable time frame.
  11. To the best of our ability, continuously show you new properties that fit your needs.
  12. Use the most comprehensive database of listings in the area, to help you find the home that best meets your needs.
  13. Provide the resources of Fife Properties, allowing you to easily review homes that are right for you, access in-depth information on neighborhoods, and additional information.*
  14. Use our knowledge and expertise to promote the most valuable purchase on your behalf. We will assist you in evaluating the market value of properties that are of interest to you and help you obtain the most advantageous price and terms.*
  15. Provide access to financing that meets your needs, at the lowest possible rates available to you through our preferred partners.
  16. Offer to provide you with information regarding other professionals (e.g. solicitors, accountants, surveyors, contractors) that may assist you during and after your move.*
  17. Once you have purchased our local office will always be on hand to assist you further.
*NOTICE: Please note that we are however contracted to work on behalf of our sellers and landlords and must look after their primary interests first. You can seek independence advice from a solicitor, mortgage broker or financial advisor of your own choice at anytime and do not need to take our advice.