Moving to a new home may be stressful for you, but it’s even tougher on your children. Whilst adults tend to focus on the practical problems, a child will focus on all the losses that the move causes. This can be the loss of their friends or of a safe and familiar environment.
Children need time to get used to the idea of moving house so don’t put off telling them. Highlight all the positive reasons for the move i.e. new friends, school, closer to family, garden etc. We all know that every child has a natural explorer inside so make the whole experience into a huge adventure.
We’ve got tons of tips to turn it into a fun adventure for the whole family.
Before you move
- Organise a family meeting and discuss the moving plans with your kids, if they are old enough to understand. Involve them in some of the decision making, where possible.
- If possible, arrange a day out to your new area, concentrating on the fun places to visit like new playgrounds, leisure centre, restaurants, local tourist attractions, and the cinema.
- If you can get access to your new property, then you can show them where their new bedrooms will be.
- Reassure your children about the change. If you are moving far away, consider having a “see you soon” party before you leave.
- Giving children who are old enough the responsibility for their own stuff will keep the anxiety to a minimum. It can also be therapeutic for kids to go through their belongings, throw out or give away things they no longer want.
- Pack a moving day essentials bag that may include; nappies, change of clothes, but also toys, comforters, blankets and favourite pyjamas.
- Explain to younger children that you are just packing their toys into boxes to move them to their new home, some children might think a new home might mean new toys and this might upset them.
Moving day
- Ideally, the best thing to do is have relatives or friends to look after your children for most of the day. However, we know this is not always possible. So, if you have to look after them on moving day explain to young children exactly what is happening and what to expect on moving day.
- Set them their own jobs to do to help make them feel involved. For example, devise a toys checklist for them so they can tick off all toys as they arrive and are unpacked.
- Don’t forget to have some snacks and drinks to keep the kids going throughout the day – the last thing you want is a grumpy, hungry five-year-old!
- Make sure their first night in their new home is a special one. Perhaps order their favourite food, put on their favourite DVD or read their favourite book. Anything that feels familiar will put them at ease their first night.
Settling in
- Maintain a routine. While children are adjusting to new homes and schools, you can provide comfort by keeping some things the same. Have the same morning and bedroom routines and don’t change nap or meal times.
- Explore the house – make it fun for your children, ask them to count the rooms or even have a game of hide and seek.
- Do not expect a child to be ready to go to school straight away. They need a little time to get used to their new surroundings. Ensure your child attends a taster day if the school offers one.
- Spend time exploring the new area with your child, especially parks, swings or walks, pointing out all the new exciting things they can do. Local baby or toddler groups are ideal for meeting new mums and finding out about your area.
Most importantly, have fun! Moving home is an exciting time and is the start of a whole new generation of memories for you and your children. If you’re thinking of selling then why not book your FREE initial consultation today and tap on the following link to let us show you how easy it can be