An Extra Bathroom Adds How Much to a Property’s Value?
New research has shown adding an extra bathroom to a property makes it more desirable to potential buyers, whilst also adding an average of £12,000 to a property’s value.
New research has shown adding an extra bathroom to a property makes it more desirable to potential buyers, whilst also adding an average of £12,000 to a property’s value.
In a report from Barclays Bank, average property prices in the UK are predicted to rise by 6.1% over the next 5 years.
A new survey has revealed that the proportion of landlords in the UK who use a lettings agent to help manage their property has taken a sharp rise.
Choosing the type of home you want will come down to the type of person you are. Some would prefer to move into a brand new modern home, whilst others would prefer an older character home that they can build up to a modern standard. But how much would it actually cost?
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